Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, things are finally settling down around here! I know where to get groceries and even have made some friends! :) Ellie will start dance lessons in the middle of August and I have purchased some of her outfits for her birthday. She is really having a hard time making good choices. I have decided to use the old teacher trick of adding marbles (rocks) into a baby food jar. That has really changed her behavior! PRAISE THE LORD for my education at SPU! :) So far she has earned a picnic party with her parents, a day with her neighbor, and 1/2 day with day at his office! Now she is going to earn ballet lessons (little does she know that I have already paid for them!) :)

Well, it happened...Mollie fell down the stairs today. I thought my heart was going to stop. We have a gate, but someone left it open. I made sure Ellie didn't feel bad about it. She is fine PTL! That was my biggest nightmare about buying a house with two floors, but I figured other people do it and live! We have a gate, but I'm so glad God watches over us and His angels can keep us safe. Ellie asked, "Did it die her Mom?" Poor girl!


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Praise the Lord that she's alright!!

We had the opposite problem...our bottom gate was not put up and our little one went up to the top without us knowing! YIKES!! Toddler do keep their angels busy at this age, don't they!

Great job with Ellie and the marbles!! That's awesome!

Glad you're feeling more settled and that things are going well for you!

We miss you!! Sending Love and Hugs to ya'll!!

Unknown said...

Jen, got your call! Katelyn says we all miss you here in Lubbock. She's with me now and we're getting her ready to go on her church Middle School Mania trip to Dallas (without Mom!). Send me your cell # (I'm always losing things) so we can catch up. katyp128@msn.com. Do you have an email address? Katy Love & miss you guys!

Christy said...

I think I will have to try the marble jar for Kyle as soon as he can understand what it means. He is having a hard time making good choices too.
Yeah for our education at SPU!
Is this what I paid tuition for???